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Image by Cody Weaver

"Prosperity is connected to how we relate

to people & place"

I remember something an indigenous Australian once told me about their connection to country. They said:


"When we gather together on sacred land, sing our songs and dance our stories, everything thrives..."


Ultimately, prosperity is the outcome of caring for our environment 

And our community.


This is the essence of sustainability.

where everything is interconnected... 


People, Planet, Profit


The old way of doing business has been based predominantly on increasing shareholders’ value.


However, Purpose-led business is about building mutually beneficial relationships with all stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, communities and the environment. From this place, prosperity naturally occurs.


Unfortunately, many people are still unknowingly supporting the old paradigm of business...


"Within nature we'll find the seeds of prosperity"

What environmental impact is
your money having?

Are the companies that you give your money to

supporting the regeneration of our planet?


Unfortunately, most people's superannuation is contributing to the destruction of the biodiversity, ecosystems and communities on our planet!


What's your impact and how can you reduce it while still generating strong financial returns?

Ethical investing gives individuals the power to allocate capital toward companies that are aligned with their personal values.



If you would like to learn how to increase your cashflow, live a life of freedom while also helping your community and the planet, then grab a copy of my e-book, "5 Steps to Greater Prosperity, Impact 

& Happiness"


In this e-book, I share some of the fundamental strategies that I’ve used to go from not having a clue where to start to owning conscious investments that have grown at an average of 12% pa, an eco-property returning 30% pa, and cashflow income in a 

heart- centred business.

It’s also the unique methodology I’ve advised to high paying clients on for the past 10 years as part of my financial planning practice - to get them similar results on a personal and global level.


5 Steps to Greater Prosperity-1.jpg

Click here to download


The Frequency of Prosperity

Raise Your Vibration

with Meditation

Below is an audio set of 7 affirmations adapted from John Randalph Price's

40 Day Prosperity Plan. In this recording, I've integrated the solfeggio frequency of 528hz which activates your intention and intuition to operate for your highest and best purpose.

4 fascinating facts about the Sri Yantra and its reality-hacking powers


1. An EEG study by Russian scientists at Moscow University found that the Sri Yantra can induce a meditative or hypnotized state of mind - just by looking at it.

* Source: Biology Faculty of Moscow University, October 30, 1987


2. In his paper Art as Technology, award-winning artist Bill Witherspoon offers a detailed account of how drawing the Sri Yantra symbol in an Oregon crop field increased its yield, soil fertility and plant nutrients.



3. In 1997, an Indian researcher by the name of RKS Muthukrishnan used fractal mathematics to deduce that the Egyptian Pyramids were engineered with the exact same angular measurements as the Sri Yantra.



4. Renowned American physicist Dr. Patrick Flanagan calls the Sri Yantra “the king of power diagrams”, and describes its energetic effect as seventy times greater than that of a pyramid construction.


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